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Official publisher of the RTeam Magazine

Feb 2025 RTEAM cover.jpg

Click for the FEB 2025 digital 

Serving RMD employees and families for 70 years!


The RTEAM magazine is a glossy, full color, monthly publication devoted solely to the employees and families of Raytheon Missiles & Defense. Distributed the first week of every month in hard copy with a digital eMagazine version emailed to every employee.  Click the image at left for the current eMagazine issue. Notice the clickable ads that take the reader directly to the advertiser's website.


Does your company need to reach this affluent market? The RTEAM magazine is the only way to reach them at work. Click the button below to learn more about getting your business in front of every RMD employee.


Three Knolls Publishing is the official publisher and handles all advertising sales and content in coordination with the RTEAM board.




Based on revenues, profits and payroll, the AZ Republic reported that Raytheon employees are directly responsible for 1/3 of the entire states’ economic impact. With an average annual income of $75,000 and 43% earning over $135,000 (multiplied by over 13,000 employees) and up to 2,000 more to be added (currently hiring 50-60 per month) by 2020 from a major site expansion, Raytheon Missiles & Defense will become Southern Arizona’s largest employer.


Most of these employees are highly skilled and highly educated. They are building their lives and familes right here in Tucson. They are buying, improving, maintaining and fixing homes, upgrading appliances, buying and maintaining cars, sending their children to schools and planning for college, as well as planning for their own retirement and investing in their futures. 


The R-TEAM Magazine reaches every one of these Raytheon employees, including retirees. Once a month, the magazine is distributed to 25 on-site locations throughout Raytheon buildings. It is also emailed in an interactive eMagazine format to all employees, placed on the Raytheon Intranet as well as the Retiree Intranet. This means multiple month-long advertising exposures at one low price.


Reach deep into one of the largest employee groups in Arizona educating them about your product or service. Target this very exclusive group by advertising in the RTEAM Magazine at very affordable rates. There are many advertising opportunities each month: display ads, editorial infomercials, business spotlights, directories and classifieds.  There’s even a monthly crossword or Sudoku puzzle page.


Click the 'Let's Talk' button above to request more information or to scheudule an appointment. Or call Kevin at 520.603.2094.


Read more about Raytheon, it's economic impact, the new expansion and more by clicking the links below.

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